bridek Polishing Mops

bridek have produced a range of UK manufactured polishing mops & finishing wheels suitable for use by both home enthusiasts and professional alike.

Stitched Cotton Mops
A very popular and versatile grade of polishing mop.
Good for a one shot polishing operation where you need brightness back and the condition of the metal is not marked/scratched or badly pitted. Manufactued from 100% white soft cotton with no hard pieces and have leather centre washers, no staples and have been finished so they can be used straight away.

Soft Cotton (Reflex) Mops
A superior quality, very soft finishing mop, much softer than the G quality polishing mop. The mops do not fray or leave as much dust as other finishing mops due to the fine weave of the cloth. The mops have leather centre washers, no staples and have been finished so they can be used straight away.

Sisal String Stitched Mops
Fast cutting first stage polishing mop for polishing out grinding marks left from previous abrasive finishing operation. Each sisal disc is made from 5 layers of sisal seperated by single pieces of cotton, with no fillers. The mops have leather centre washers, no staples and have been finished so they can be used straight away.
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