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Deck Jig™ and Accessories


Get a longer-lasting deck with this concealed fastening system.

Whether you’re building a new deck or refinishing an old one, you want to do the job right. With the Kreg Deck Jig™, and a few simple tools you already own, you can create a beautiful and functional deck surface that is completely free of exposed fasteners and painful splinters. Traditional concealed-decking systems utilize awkward steel fasteners or thin plastic clips to hold your deck boards in place. The Kreg Deck Jig™ utilizes a more straightforward approach, creating an incredibly strong wood-to-wood bond through precisely-placed self-tapping screws.


Standard Deck vs. Kreg Deck
Get the deck you want, without any unsightly exposed nails or screws. The Deck Jig™ uses specialized self-tapping screws that are driven at a precise angle into the edge of your deck boards so they stay hidden from view. Where seasonal changes might force traditional fasteners out of place with time, Kreg screws stay protected safely below the surface for a longer-lasting deck. By coupling the Kreg Deck Jig™ with composite decking, you’ll get a deck free of cracks, splinters, or “pop-out” fasteners.


Drill. Drive. Done!
Securing a deck board with the Kreg Deck Jig™ takes three simple steps. First, you drill holes into the edge of your deck board using the specialized stepped bit, guided by the jig’s hardened-steel drill guides. Next, drive the specialized self-tapping deck screws through the same drill guides and into the joist as the depth collar precisely controls the depth. That’s it, you’re done! You’ve just created an incredibly strong and sturdy joint with no visible fastener.


Works with a Wide Variety of Decking Materials
For best results, we recommend composite deck boards that prevent shrinking, swelling, and splitting. Select a solid composite material without machined grooves in the edges. Also works great with native softwoods such as Redwood and Cedar, along with certain tropical hardwoods.

Please Note:

Not all Kreg items shown within the website are available in-store, please contact the store to confirm availability prior to your departure if you wish to collect.

Product design & specification is subject to change without prior notification.

VAT No: GB 418 6792 60

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