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Menzerna Solid Paste Polishing Compounds

Menzerna is the world’s largest manufacturer of solid polishing compounds. Menzerna offer an economical product range for surface processing for use in industry and trades.


Menzerna offer a full-range of solid compounds. The product range includes solid polishing pastes for all polishing stages and all common materials including  Aluminium, Stainless Steel, Brass or even Coated Wood Surfaces – Menzerna can be counted on to set surface quality standards.


Menzerna solid compounds are suitable for manual workstations as well as fully automated polishing systems.


bridek supply a large range of Menzerna's European manufactured solid polishing compounds ('soaps') suitable for use with a range of different materials and different abrasive make-up from coarse  Super Heavy Cutting (Stage 1) through to Super Fine 'Mirror-like' finishing (Stage 5). 



Economical polishing of brass, stainless steel, aluminium, Plastics and more...

Menzerna offers the right solid polishing compound for all materials. Every surface poses its own requirements for the polishing agent. Menzerna are industrial polishing specialists, who know what ingredients need to be combined for the respective material in order to obtain the desired surface quality. The goal: Consistently high surface quality in the shortest time.


Aluminium Polishing

Solid pastes that are ideal for polishing automotive trim components, alloy wheel rims, sheet metals, cookware, door handles and many other applications.

Brass & Non-Ferrous Metals

Solid pastes that are ideal for polishing lamps, musical instruments, sheet metals, cookware, door handles and technical instruments to a high gloss finish. These compounds can also be used for surface preperation prior to galvanising.

Plastics & Composites

A range of solid pastes that will allow you to produce a surface free of lines and a deep gloss finish.

Precious Metals

A range of solid pastes that will allow you to produce a flawless high gloss finish on precious metals including gold, silver and titanium.

Stainless Steel & Ferrous Metals

The Menzerna stainless steel & Ferrous Metals range has been especially developed to reduce polishing times and help reduce the excessive heat that is produce (especially on thin materials). The solid pastes are suitable for use with automobile components, cutlery and cookwear as well as kitchen sinks.


Using the correct pastes and  mops will allow you to produce different surface effects such as Gloss, Semi-Gloss or Brushed.

Painted / Coated Surfaces

A range of solid patse compounds for polishing coated wood surfaces as well as sensitive coated surfaces, such as kitchen cabinets, furniture, automobile interior componemts as well as musical instruments such as violins and pianos.

Using the correct compounds and mops in order, you will be able to achieve a deep gloss finish especially on black coatings.

Menzerna Technical Data Sheets

Technical Data Sheets for the Menzerna range of Solid Paste Compounds.


Data sheets are in a downloadable pdf forma

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